Camping appeals to many, but sleeping on the ground in nature can be a deterrent. The Clementine Hotel offers an elevated glamping experience, seamlessly merging the comfort of a hotel with the immersive ambiance of camping. Each room features vibrant natural surroundings, complemented by luxurious amenities. This blend extends across various hotel products, from lookbooks to menus and toiletry items.
Project Type
Brand Identity, Package Design, Editorial Design, Print Collateral Design
Year & Studio
2022 | SCAD, Class Project
Create an identity and variety of products for a concept hotel.
Many people love the idea of camping as a little getaway until it actually comes to doing it. Going to a hotel is a nice option, but you have to miss out on the overall camping ambience, and the experiences that come along with it.
Create a hotel that provides its guests with the ultimate glamping experience. The interior will be designed to features natural elements along with luxurious furniture and amenities. Everything from the food in the restaurants to the offerings in the spa will combine luxury and nature. The designs for the products will reflect this through photographic and illustrative elements.
This project showcases distinctive design elements, featuring a captivating blend of hand-drawn illustrations seamlessly integrated with photography, creating a unique and visually engaging portfolio.
The Clementine Hotel's lookbook highlights its offerings, distinguishing between camping and luxury by featuring lavish amenities through photographs and nature-related elements through illustrations.